About Emily Delahaye [MSc, BSc (Hons), Lic. Ac, MBAcC]

A graduate of the renowned College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, I studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Five Element acupuncture and I am a licensed Acupuncturist.

I’m originally from Canada but have called the UK my home since 2009.

Before becoming an acupuncturist, I studied geology and geophysics and had a career as a seismologist in several countries. I even had a rock collection, but it was too heavy to move to the UK!

After becoming a mother, I was compelled to make a career change. I had always been enthusiastic about maintaining good health through lifestyle and holistic (or natural) therapies. I made the decision to retrain and bring this passion to a new career and I have not looked back since. 

I focus on the holistic aspect of treatment. The philosophy behind the principles of Chinese Medicine is that everything is connected in the body. And one of the causes of disease (or imbalance) in Chinese Medicine is the emotions.

Therefore, to treat the physical body, it is important to treat the emotional state as well as the physical state. Which is why I allow my clients the time and space during the sessions to talk through whatever is affecting them that week or that day, as that can have a significant impact on the treatment plan.

I am committed to helping all of my patients improve their overall well-being. I also honestly believe that with the right tools and advice, everyone can improve their well-being through natural therapies. I invest in my own well-being diligently so that I can be the best practitioner that I can be for my patients.

As a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), I follow strict Codes of Conduct and Safe Practice to make sure that my patients’ safety is paramount.  

Although I treat people with a variety of challenges, I’m extremely passionate about supporting women’s health. I truly understand how hard it can be to juggle being a mother, partner along with a career and a household. I get it! Not to mention the challenges that come with our biology.

I have been dedicating my time into furthering my knowledge and completing CPD courses every year. A lot of this learning is on the topic of women’s health and ranges from fertility, IVF, menstrual cycles, and menopause – to name a few.

I am also a volunteer at My Cancer My Choices, a registered charity which provides complementary therapies for people going through cancer treatment.

Find out More about the treatments I offer